Security providers base

Provides YAML [de]serialization.

class pymco.serializers.yaml.RubyCompatibleLoader(stream)[source]

YAML loader compatible with Ruby Symbols

class pymco.serializers.yaml.Serializer[source]

YAML specific serializer.

pymco.serializers.yaml.ruby_object_constructor(loader, suffix, node)[source]

YAML constructor for Ruby objects.

This constructor may be registered with ‘!ruby/object:’ tag as multi constructor supporting Ruby objects. This will handle give objects as maps, so any non mapping based object may produce some issue.

pymco.serializers.yaml.symbol_constructor(loader, node)[source]

YAML constructor for Ruby symbols.

This constructor may be registered with ‘!ruby/sym’ tag in order to support Ruby symbols serialization (you can use register_constructors() for that), so it just need return the string scalar representation of the key (including the leading colon).