Source code for pymco.connector

Connectors base
python-mcollective base for MCollective connector plugins.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import abc
import itertools
import logging

from stomp import connect

from .. import exc
from .. import listener

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseConnector(object): """Base abstract class for MCollective connectors. :arg pymco.config.Config config: configuration instance. :arg stomp.Connection connection: connection object. Optional parameter, if not given :py:meth:`default_connection` result will be used. """ listeners = {'tracker': listener.CurrentHostPortListener} plugins = { 'activemq': 'pymco.connector.activemq.ActiveMQConnector', 'rabbitmq': 'pymco.connector.rabbitmq.RabbitMQConnector', 'stomp': 'pymco.connector.stomp.StompConnector', } id_generator = itertools.count() def __init__(self, config, connection=None, logger=LOG): self.logger = logger self.logger.debug("initializing connector") self.config = config self._security = None self._started = False self._id = None if connection is None: self.connection = self.default_connection(config) else: self.connection = connection self.set_listeners() self.set_ssl()
[docs] def connect(self, wait=None): """Connect to MCollective middleware. :arg bool wait: wait for connection to be established or not. :return: ``self`` """ if not self.connection.connected: self.connection.start() user, password = self.config.get_user_and_password( self.get_current_host_and_port()) self.logger.debug("connecting to middleware...") self.connection.connect(username=user, passcode=password, wait=wait) self.logger.debug("connected to middleware.") return self
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnet from MCollective middleware. :return: ``self`` """ if self.connection.is_connected(): self.logger.debug("disconnecting") self.connection.disconnect() return self
[docs] def send(self, msg, destination, *args, **kwargs): """Send an MCollective message. :arg pymco.message.Message msg: message to be sent. :arg \*args: extra positional arguments. :arg \*\*kwargs: extra keyword arguments. :return: ``self``. """ self.logger.debug("sending message to {d}: {m}".format(d=destination, m=msg)) self.connection.send(, b64=self.use_b64), destination=destination, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def subscribe(self, destination, id=None, *args, **kwargs): """Subscribe to MCollective queue. :arg destination: Target to subscribe. :arg \*args: extra positional arguments. :arg \*\*kwargs: extra keyword arguments. :return: ``self``. """ if not id: id = self.connection.subscribe(destination, id=id) return self
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, destination, *args, **kwargs): """Unsubscribe to MCollective queue. :arg destination: Target to unsubscribe. :arg \*args: extra positional arguments. :arg \*\*kwargs: extra keyword arguments. :return: ``self``. """
[docs] def receive(self, timeout, *args, **kwargs): """Subscribe to MCollective topic queue and wait for just one message. :arg float timeout: how long we should wait for the message in seconds. :arg \*args: extra positional arguments. :arg \*\*kwargs: extra keyword arguments. :return: received message. :raise: :py:exc:`pymco.exc.TimeoutError` if expected messages doesn't come in given ``timeout`` seconds. """ self.logger.debug("setting up SingleResponseListener, timeout={t}".format(t=timeout)) response_listener = listener.SingleResponseListener(timeout=timeout, config=self.config, connector=self) self.connection.set_listener('response_listener', response_listener) self.logger.debug("listener waiting for message...") response_listener.wait_on_message() self.logger.debug("listener wait exited.") if len(response_listener.responses) == 0: self.logger.debug("listener got 0 responses, raising TimeoutError") raise exc.TimeoutError return response_listener.responses
@property def id(self): if not self._id: self._id = next(self.id_generator) return self._id @property def security(self): """Security provider property.""" if not self._security: self._security = self.config.get_security() return self._security @property def use_b64(self): """Determines if the message should be base64 encoded.""" if self.config['connector'] != 'activemq': self.logger.debug("not using ActiveMQ; not using base64") return False config_b64 = self.config.getboolean('plugin.activemq.base64', default=False) self.logger.debug("config plugin.activemq.base64={c}".format(c=config_b64)) return config_b64
[docs] def set_listeners(self): """Set default listeners.""" for key, value in self.listeners.items(): self.connection.set_listener(key, value(config=self.config, connector=self))
[docs] def get_current_host_and_port(self): """Get the current host and port from the tracker listener. :return: A two-tuple, where the first element is the current host and the second the current port. """ tracker = self.connection.get_listener('tracker') return tracker.get_host(), tracker.get_port()
[docs] def set_ssl(self): """Set the SSL configuration for the current connection.""" for params in self.config.get_ssl_params(): self.connection.transport.set_ssl(**params)
[docs] def default_connection(cls, config): """Creates a :py:class:`stomp.Connection` object with defaults :return: :py:class:`stomp.Connection` object. """ params = config.get_conn_params() if config['connector'] == 'rabbitmq': params['vhost'] = config['plugin.rabbitmq.vhost'] return connect.StompConnection11(try_loopback_connect=False, **params)
[docs]def get_target(self, agent, collective, topciprefix=None): """Get the message target for the given agent and collective. :arg agent: MCollective target agent name. :arg collective: MCollective target collective. :arg topicprefix: Required for older versions of MCollective :return: Message target string representation for given agent and collective. """
[docs]def get_reply_target(self, agent, collective): """Get the message target for the given agent and collective. :arg agent: MCollective target agent name. :arg collective: MCollective target collective. :return: message reply target string representation for given agent and collective. """ # Building Metaclass here for Python 2/3 compatibility
Connector = abc.ABCMeta('Connector', (BaseConnector,), { 'get_target': abc.abstractmethod(get_target), 'get_reply_target': abc.abstractmethod(get_reply_target), })