Source code for pymco.message

python-mcollective messaging objects.
import collections
import hashlib
import time

import six

from . import exc

[docs]class Filter(collections.Mapping): """Provides MCollective filters for python-mcollective. This class implements :py:class:`collections.Mapping` interface, so it can be used as non mutable mapping (read only dict), but mutable using provided add methods. So that, for adding the agent you can just use :py:meth:`add_agent`:: filter.add_agent('package') """ def __init__(self): self._filter = { 'cf_class': [], 'agent': [], 'fact': [], 'identity': [], 'compound': [], }
[docs] def add_cfclass(self, name): """Add new class applied by your configuration management system. Roles, cookbooks,... names may be used too. :param name: class, role, cookbook,... name. :returns: ``self`` so filters can be chained. """ self._filter['cf_class'].append(name) return self
[docs] def add_agent(self, agent): """Add new MCollective agent :param agent: MCollective agent name. :returns: ``self`` so filters can be chained. """ self._filter['agent'].append(agent) return self
[docs] def add_fact(self, fact, value, operator=None): """Add a new Facter fact based filter. :param fact: fact name. :param value: fact value. :param operator: Operator to be applied when comparing the fact. Valid values are: ==, <=, >=, <, >, !=. Optional parameter. :returns: ``self`` so filters can be chained. """ toappend = {':fact': fact, ':value': value} if operator: if operator not in ('==', '<=', '>=', '<', '>', '!='): raise exc.BadFilterFactOperator( 'Unsuppoerted operator {0}'.format(operator)) toappend[':operator'] = operator self._filter['fact'].append(toappend) return self
[docs] def add_identity(self, identity): """Adds new identities :param identity: MCollective identity value. :returns: ``self`` so filters can be chained. """ self._filter['identity'].append(identity) return self
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._filter[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._filter) def __iter__(self): return six.iterkeys(self._filter)
[docs]class Message(collections.MutableMapping): """Provides MCollective messages for python-mcollective. This class implements :py:class:`collections.MutableMapping` interface, so it can be used as read/write mapping (dictionary). :param body: the message body. It must be serializable using current serialization method. :param agent: message target agent. :param config: :py:class:`pymco.config.Config` instance. :param filter_: :py:class:`Filter` instance. This parameter is optional. :param kwargs: Extra keyword arguments. You can set the target ``collective`` or the message ``ttl`` using them. :raise: :py:exc:`pymco.exc.ImproperlyConfigured` if configuration has no ``identity`` or ``collective`` is not set neither in ``kwargs`` nor in configuration. """ def __init__(self, body, agent, config, filter_=None, **kwargs): if not filter_: filter_ = Filter() self._message = {} try: self._message[':senderid'] = config['identity'] self._message[':collective'] = (kwargs.get('collective', None) or config['main_collective']) except KeyError as error: raise exc.ImproperlyConfigured(error) self._message[':msgtime'] = int(time.time()) self._message[':ttl'] = (kwargs.get('ttl', None) or config.getint('ttl', default=60)) self._message[':requestid'] = hashlib.sha1( str(self._message[':msgtime']).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() self._message[':body'] = body self._message[':agent'] = agent self._message[':filter'] = dict(filter_) def __len__(self): return len(self._message) def __iter__(self): return six.iterkeys(self._message) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._message[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not key.startswith(':'): raise ValueError('Keys must start with `:`, as Ruby symbols.') if key == ':filter': value = dict(value) self._message[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self._message[key]