Source code for

Security providers base
MCollective security providers base.
import abc
import base64
import logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SecurityProviderBase(object): """Abstract base class for security providers. :arg config: :py:class:`pymco.config.Config` instance. """ plugins = { 'none': '', 'ssl': '', } def __init__(self, config, logger=LOG): self.config = config self.logger = logger
[docs] def serialize(self, msg): """Serialize message using provided serialization. :arg pymco.message.Message msg: message to be encoded. :return: encoded message. """ return self.serializer.serialize(msg)
[docs] def deserialize(self, msg): """Deserealize message using provided serialization. :arg pymco.message.Message msg: message to be decoded. :return: decoded message. """ return self.serializer.deserialize(msg)
[docs] def encode(self, msg, b64=False): """Encode given message using provided security method. Encode will consist just on singing the message and serialize it, so we can sent it and verified for the receivers. :arg pymco.message.Message msg: Message to be serialized. :return: Encoded message. """ signed_msg = self.serialize(self.sign(msg)) # TODO(rafaduran): b64 enconding/decoding should it's an ActiveMQ # specific feature and thus should be managed by # ActiveMQ connector. if b64: self.logger.debug("base64 encoding signed message") signed_msg = base64.b64encode(signed_msg) return signed_msg
[docs] def decode(self, msg, b64=False): """Decode given message using provided security method. Decode will consist just on de-serialize the given message and verify it, raising a verification error if the message can't be verified. :arg pymco.message.Message msg: Message to be serialized. :return: Decoded message, a :py:class:`dict` like object. """ if b64: self.logger.debug("base64 decoding message") msg = base64.b64decode(msg) else: self.logger.debug("NOT base64 decoding message") deserialized = self.deserialize(msg) self.logger.debug("deserialized message: {d}".format(d=deserialized)) return self.verify(deserialized)
[docs]def sign(self, msg): """Signs the given message using provided security method. :arg pymco.message.Message msg: message to be signed. :return: signed message. """
[docs]def verify(self, msg): """Verify the given message using provided security method. :arg pymco.message.Message msg: message to be verified. :return: verified message. :raise pymco.exc.MessageVerificationError: If the message verification failed. """ # Building Metaclass here for Python 2/3 compatibility
SecurityProvider = abc.ABCMeta('SecurityProvider', (SecurityProviderBase,), { 'sign': abc.abstractmethod(sign), 'verify': abc.abstractmethod(verify), })