Source code for pymco.test.utils

Utils for testing purposes.
    from unittest import mock
except ImportError:
    import mock  # noqa

import jinja2

from . import ctxt as _ctxt

[docs]def get_template(name, package=__package__): """Load Jinja 2 template from given package. :arg name: template name. :arg package: package to be used for loading the template, default is current package. :return: :py:class:`jinja2.environment.Template` object. """ env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(package, 'templates')) return env.get_template(name)
[docs]def configfile(ctxt=None): """Create a MCollective configuration file. :arg dict ctxt: the ctxt to be used for rendering MCollective configuration template. :return: The path where the configuration file has been placed (:py:data:`pymco.test.ctxt.TEST_CFG`). """ if not ctxt: ctxt = _ctxt.DEFAULT_CTXT with open(_ctxt.TEST_CFG, 'wt') as cfg: cfg.write(get_template('server.cfg.jinja').render({'config': ctxt})) return _ctxt.TEST_CFG